Good blogs
Thanks to Comics Worth Reading, Sequential and Journalista (The Comics Journal news weblog) for mentioning Will Write For Chocolate!
In my last column, I talked about good blog writing and asked people what blogs they enjoyed reading primarily for the author's writing style or "voice". Here are some of the results:
From Erin:
Good question. I always enjoy reading So Anyway by my close personal friend Eden. I also read John Scalzi’s Whatever, despite never having read any of his books, because he’s such an entertaining writer. Another blogger I’ve found that I read just for the sheer enjoyment of her writing is Mac at Pesky’Apostrophe.
From Shelly:
I read hundreds of blogs, some for content (mostly book blogs and comic book blogs) and some because they’re fun (a lot of link blogs are in here). Also Miss Cellania.
Some for the writer’s voice (tho content helps for these, as I need to be interested in the topics), such as
Wil Wheaton
and many lesser known blogs that I think are exceptionally written and very moving at times. My favorite of those is Anonymous Rowhouse.

From YummY!:
I read many blogs, because I’m a blog addict and I’ve made a few friends.
The ones I like reading because of the authors voice is a short list.
Abstract Utopia is one person who I enjoy every blog entry, whether she’s talking about baking, or Cacti or Music.
From Rachel:
Neil Gaiman, Jen Ig, Inkygirl :) . If Tolkien or Dickens or Lewis or a lot of other writers had blogs I would read them, but sadly, they’re mostly all dead. I content myself with their books instead.
From Mari Adkins:
One of my favorite blogs is Wyrdsmiths. It’s the collaborative blog of a handful of writers in Wisconson, and I found it because I was corresponding with Kelly McCullough at the time (I reviewed his first book, “WebMage”, for Apex Digest last Summer). I enjoy this blog because they discuss not only the ins and outs of writing, but what makes them tick, their writing process, and their thoughts on certain different things within writing/marketing/publishing.

From Waltzr:
I am not much of a Blog reader except Zen’s, yours, and, of course, my longtime friend Phil as it is a way to keep up to date on his life. It is extremely well written although more political than you generally would read, at least that is my suspicion. However, he comments on a wide variety of subjects and is a new fan of your cartoons.
Have a look at
From Victoria:
I simply love yours, and the cartoons, too, first time heard about you on nanowrimo, and i do enjoy Leo’s blog, at
From WhimsicalWoman:
I adore Poppy Mom and Dooce. They both have extremely strong voices. I tend to use my blog as a means of keeping in touch with family and friends.

From Jennifer:
I’ve got several personal and professional connections to the Canadian film & television industry, so my all time favorite blog is Denis McGrath’s Dead Things on Sticks. He has links to a lot of other excellent writers blogs as well.
I’m a relative newcomer to blogdom so I’m still working on building readership, mostly by commenting on other people’s blogs (like here :). I even had a bunch of cards made up that just say “READ MY BLOG” with a brief description and the URL. I hand them out whenever the subject of my writing comes up.
What software do you currently find useful in your writing? This includes organizational software in addition to word processing software.
In my last column, I talked about good blog writing and asked people what blogs they enjoyed reading primarily for the author's writing style or "voice". Here are some of the results:
From Erin:
Good question. I always enjoy reading So Anyway by my close personal friend Eden. I also read John Scalzi’s Whatever, despite never having read any of his books, because he’s such an entertaining writer. Another blogger I’ve found that I read just for the sheer enjoyment of her writing is Mac at Pesky’Apostrophe.
From Shelly:
I read hundreds of blogs, some for content (mostly book blogs and comic book blogs) and some because they’re fun (a lot of link blogs are in here). Also Miss Cellania.
Some for the writer’s voice (tho content helps for these, as I need to be interested in the topics), such as
Wil Wheaton
and many lesser known blogs that I think are exceptionally written and very moving at times. My favorite of those is Anonymous Rowhouse.

From YummY!:
I read many blogs, because I’m a blog addict and I’ve made a few friends.
The ones I like reading because of the authors voice is a short list.
Abstract Utopia is one person who I enjoy every blog entry, whether she’s talking about baking, or Cacti or Music.
From Rachel:
Neil Gaiman, Jen Ig, Inkygirl :) . If Tolkien or Dickens or Lewis or a lot of other writers had blogs I would read them, but sadly, they’re mostly all dead. I content myself with their books instead.
From Mari Adkins:
One of my favorite blogs is Wyrdsmiths. It’s the collaborative blog of a handful of writers in Wisconson, and I found it because I was corresponding with Kelly McCullough at the time (I reviewed his first book, “WebMage”, for Apex Digest last Summer). I enjoy this blog because they discuss not only the ins and outs of writing, but what makes them tick, their writing process, and their thoughts on certain different things within writing/marketing/publishing.

From Waltzr:
I am not much of a Blog reader except Zen’s, yours, and, of course, my longtime friend Phil as it is a way to keep up to date on his life. It is extremely well written although more political than you generally would read, at least that is my suspicion. However, he comments on a wide variety of subjects and is a new fan of your cartoons.
Have a look at
From Victoria:
I simply love yours, and the cartoons, too, first time heard about you on nanowrimo, and i do enjoy Leo’s blog, at
From WhimsicalWoman:
I adore Poppy Mom and Dooce. They both have extremely strong voices. I tend to use my blog as a means of keeping in touch with family and friends.

From Jennifer:
I’ve got several personal and professional connections to the Canadian film & television industry, so my all time favorite blog is Denis McGrath’s Dead Things on Sticks. He has links to a lot of other excellent writers blogs as well.
I’m a relative newcomer to blogdom so I’m still working on building readership, mostly by commenting on other people’s blogs (like here :). I even had a bunch of cards made up that just say “READ MY BLOG” with a brief description and the URL. I hand them out whenever the subject of my writing comes up.
What software do you currently find useful in your writing? This includes organizational software in addition to word processing software.
blog writing,
blogs in