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Debbie Ridpath Ohi reads, writes and illustrates for young people. Every once in a while she shares new art, writing and reading resources; subscribe below. Browse the archives here.

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Writer comics by Debbie Ridpath Ohi are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

More details: Comic Use Policy

Welcome to Inkygirl: Reading, Writing and Illustrating Children's Books (archive list here) which includes my Creating Picture Books series, Advice For Young Writers and IllustratorsWriter's and Illustrator's Guide To Twitter, Interviews With Authors And Illustrators, #BookADay archives, writing/publishing industry surveys, and 250, 500, 1000 Words/Day Writing Challenge. Also see my Inkygirl archives,  and comics for writers. Also check out my Print-Ready Archives for Teachers, Librarians, Booksellers and Young Readers.

I tweet about the craft and business of writing and illustrating at @inkyelbows. If you're interested in my art or other projects, please do visit Thanks for visiting! -- Debbie Ridpath Ohi


Interview with Claudia Osmond, author of SMUDGE'S MARK


I met the fabulous Claudia Osmond through Twitter (where she's @claudiaosmond), when she organized the very first in-person tweetup of Torkidlit. Hugely supportive of the local writers' community, Claudia interviews writers and talks about writing on her blog, Where the (not-so) Wild Things Are. Her first book, Smudge's Mark, came out from Simply Read Books earlier this year.

How long have you been writing?

Thanks to spending much of my early years with Dr. Seuss, I've always had an obsession with letters and words (and thus, writing materials) and have been writing for as long as I can remember.

But way-back-when it was purely for my own entertainment; mostly in the form of poems, journal entries, skits, and just random thoughts and phrases that I either read somewhere or just made up myself.

I didn't start writing in earnest until about ten years ago, and, well, even then it was more for the fun of it than anything, just because I love doing it.  

When/how did you make your first sale?

My first sale came in February of 2006. I'd started writing that book in 1999, completely in secret. And actually very literally and appropriately in a closet. Because publication had never crossed my mind, I just took my time with it, enjoying my writing process for what it was. Ahh, no pressure at all.

As the book was nearing completion, in a moment of, oh I don't know, a brain lapse, I told a friend of mine that I was writing a book. Well, then the pressure was on! She immediately said I must try to get it published. I balked at the idea for quite some time; after all, whose friend wouldn't tell them their book is great and encourage them to try to get it published? Friends are always so biased.But this friend of mine wouldn't let up and she eventually wore me down.

And, really, the more I thought about it myself, the more the idea of having a published book sounded appealing. So I spent a good year researching publishers, reading every book on getting published I could get my hands on, and then drafting and sending out query packages.

Out of the twenty-five or so packages I sent out, I got five favorable responses; two of which came after I'd already signed my contract with my current publisher.


Wow, you started writing your book in a CLOSET? You wouldn't happen to have any photos I could include with the interview, would you? :-)

Ha! You know, I actually took pics of my closet before we moved from that house, but I didn't have a digital camera at the time and took them with a roll of film. I hadn't been able to find it, but just the other day while I was cleaning stuff out for our current move, I found a roll of film! It might be the one. I'll have to get it developed and if my closet is on it, I'll scan and send your way. ---- yay!

I'm glad your friend wore you down and encouraged you to try to get it published! Also sounds as if you did a ton of research before sending it out. You mentioned you read a bunch of books about publishing...any you'd like to recommend to Inkygirl readers?

So the books I read over and over, pretty much memorizing every detail so as not to miss a thing are:

1. Getting your Book Published for Dummies. Sarah Parsons Zackheim and Adian Zachkheim, Wiley Publishing Inc.

2. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing. Harold Underdown, Penguin Group USA Inc.

3. The Everything Guide to Writing Children's Books. Lesley Bolton, Adams Media Corporation. (chapters 10-20 are on publishing - what to do before, during, and after)

Heh! The titles pretty much describe how I felt about the whole thing at the time! :) A couple other books about writing I've felt to be particularly helpful both now and before pub:

On Writing, Stephen King

The Plot Thickens, Noah Lukeman

You mentioned that you received more favourable responses -after- you already signed the contract with your current publisher. If you could go back in time to when you were first sending out queries, is there anything you'd do differently?

This is a tough one to answer. I'm thrilled with my book and had I not gone down the route I chose I wouldn't have the exact finished product I have now. Nor would I have had the opportunity to work with the two editors that I learned so much from. However, I did learn from that experience.

First of all, I'd spend more time querying AGENTS, not publishers. Having an agent would be so beneficial on so many levels. Those of you who have a fabulous agent can probably attest to the geniusness of your agent 1,000 times over. I know. I've read all about them on Twitter! :)

Secondly, if I had the choice to do it over the way I DID it, I'd query my top five publishers first and wait to hear back from them before moving on to my next five.

What inspired you to start the Torkidlit group?

Why did I start the torkidlit group? Do you want the selfish or selfless motivations? Because there are a bit of both. The selfish motivations being: I wanted a group that I could be a part of that a) was fun, b) was full of like-minded people, c) was a place where I knew I didn't have to explain or apologize for my obsession with, frustrations about, and absolute sense of fulfillment I get from writing.

I wanted to be part of a group where conversation about writing flowed naturally and was expressed by and understood by everyone. I also wanted a totally unstructured, informal social group where I could just hang out and be with awesome people. Luckily for me, all of my selfish motivations have paid off!

The selfless motivation for starting torkidlit (notice there’s only ONE of these?) is really double-sided: I wanted to help promote and empower Toronto area kidlit writers as a whole. I figured the promotion piece would be relatively easy. I knew that once the group started up, word would fly throughout the twitterverse and eventually make its way across the blogosphere.

Toronto is an awesome, amazing city that is home to countless equally awesome and amazing talent. And we all know the online community is great at promoting awesomeness. But it was the empowerment piece that had me a little nervous. I mean, really. I want to empower a group of authors, many of whom are far more accomplished than I am. That doesn’t even make sense. But I have always had a passion for art and artists and one of my greatest dreams is to have a hand in bringing local artists together.

That makes total sense to me: bringing like-minded people together. I think it's such a rare and beautiful thing, in our highly competitive society, when people can come together in community to encourage and celebrate each other. A strong sense of solidarity is created through being in community. And that’s what brings empowerment.

What is your writing process?

Ha! I’ve often wondered that myself. I was just showing my husband my notebook this morning and it’s a very clear illustration of how my brain is... um... organized.

There are very definite sections in this notebook, but they’re all written in different colours, none of them are chronological, there are huge gaps of blank paper between most, and some sections are even written upside down. Each one does have a header, though, so at least I know which section is for what.

So, using that as an illustration, there you have my writing process: not at all linear. I tend to isolate sections, or chapters, knowing fairly clearly what the focus is. I work within each as a complete yet pliable thought. In the end I find myself with a ton of puzzle pieces, each piece being relatively shaped but still needing to be snapped into place.

Now, to this revelation of madness, some of my critics may say, “Aha! I knew she wasn’t a plotter!” But on the other hand I’ve been assured by my editor that my process is the strength of my writing. So, that's the answer I'm going with! You know, it’s really easy for me to get discouraged while I’m writing, especially when

I start listening to the voices inside my head that say I don’t “do it the right way.” I always have doubts. I always wish I could be a plotter, to have the ability to think of my stories from beginning to end. I imagine that would save me a lot of grief. But you know, I’ve come to learn that the way I write IS the right way. For me. And to try to do it any other way would mean that I wouldn’t be true to my writer-self and my story wouldn't be told the way it needs to be. I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

In your notebook, do the sections correspond to different plot sections? Background info?

The sections correspond to everything - plot, background, dialogue, quotes that I like. I'll even find a note or two that don't relate to anything at all or a map showing the location of our new house!

re: writing process. So you do your planning on paper, not on your computer?

If the planning gets too complex then I have to sort it out on paper. If it's just simple and flows fairly easily then I can just do it right in the document. Although most times even the simplest of ideas becomes complex in my mind and then I've got to transfer to paper anyway. I have a really hard time keeping things simple and linear. You know those brainstorming webs that go off in twenty different directions? That's how I think all the time. And that's why I'm so thankful that my editor is so amazing at her job.

What are your current/upcoming projects?

Currently, and most pressingly, I am finishing up the sequel to SMUDGE’S MARK. The working title is Gil's Tattoo and there is no definite date yet for release. I think they're aiming for sometime in fall, 2011.

 I am also in the revising stage of an adult short story for the forthcoming Chinese Whisperings Yin Book Anthology and working on another fantasy, but this time the MC is an 11-year-old girl. I’ve got a couple other projects in the incubation stage, one of them being the story of a young girl caught up in the sex-trade in Kolkata, India.

To find out more about Claudia, visit the following links:

Smudge's Mark

Q&A with Claudia Osmond

Where the (not-so)Wild Things Are (Claudia's blog)

Twitter: @claudiaosmond


Blog highlight: Between Fact & Fiction, by Natalie Whipple

Natalie is a YA writer, and her blog is packed with great inspiration and tips for writers. Love the emphasis on positive thinking, and her sense of humour runs through all.

Natalie is holding a contest right now, challenging writers to make her laugh in 150 words or less. Rewards include critiques as well as drawings; see the rules in this entry.

Visit her blog at:


Win a 10 page critique from my writers' group!

I'm pleased to announce that my critique group, MiG Writers, is offering a 10-page critique as part of our celebration of our new digs at Blogspot. You can find the rules here (please enter over on the MiG Writers site, not in Inkygirl, thanks).


Wordcount Challenge Check-in: 250, 500, 1000 Words A Day


Haven't heard of the Inkygirl Wordcount Challenge? The goal of this challenge is to help provide goal-oriented inspiration, with flexibility to avoid giving up in frustration. Please click on any of the buttons above for more info.

Every Monday, I'll post a Wordcount Challenge Check-in to see how you're all doing with your challenges. You don't have to post, of course, but I find that encouraging and receiving encouragement from others is inspiring to me as a writer.

So how did you all do this past week?


New comic on Writer Unboxed

I've posted a new comic over on Writer Unboxed, for those interested.


Bookshelf Porn

Great site name. For more bookshelf porn, go to


Charles Dickens Dog Collar: Just $11,590

The Huffington Post has a gallery of the "Nine Of The Most Surprising Auctioned Author Memorabilia."


Insurance Company Owner Responds To My Writing Contest Warning Post

In response to my post, Writing Contests: Always Read The Fine Print, one of the owners of the insurance website wrote:

Hello Debbie,

My name is Mike Kim and I am one of the owners of Affordable Insurance Options Online. I am writing this comment in response to the "warning" you posted regarding the essay contest we are currently holding.

First of all, I greatly admire the sense of duty you displayed to your visitors by creating this post, and the time and energy you put into it. It's obvious that you care greatly for your visitors and are going above and beyond to look out for their best interest.

I do, however, have to take issue with the negative attention you are bringing to what we believe is a legitimate and well intentioned writing contest. You discuss three major points why you believe our contest should serve as a cautionary tale.

1) We assume the rights to the content submitted. The main reason for this contest is to better inform our visitors on the importance of adequate insurance coverage, and to do so in a fun and entertaining way. There is no way that we could accomplish this without publishing the submitted entries and allowing our visitors to read the true life stories. We are in no way, shape or form trying to conceal the fact that we will be publishing the content, as many other writing contests do. That fact is disclosed in plain view, in the section above the area in which they submit their essay. Those who don't want their essays published can simply choose to not enter the contest.

2) People who enter our contest are put on our mailing list. Actually, they gain access to our online newsletter that offers valuable information on insurance related topics, and other financial matters. Not only are people made aware of this in the contest guidelines, they are also again made aware of this when they submit an entry. In fact, they have to click a confirmation link that tells us it's ok to send them the newsletter. Of course, the newsletter is free and if they don't want it, they can cancel at any time.

3) If we are not able to contact the winners in five days, alternate winners will be chosen. We do not want to delay notifying the winners and publicly congratulating them for their accomplishment. In this technologically advanced day and age, contacting the winners should not take more than a few days. If it does, chances are the contact information provided is invalid. In this case, we want to make sure to offer the cash prize to the next worthy applicant who would surely be thrilled to be named a winner. We strongly believe that all applicants will not only see this as fair and ethical, but they will actually appreciate not having to wait weeks or months to be notified if they win, just because we are having trouble contacting someone else.

Because of the reasons detailed above, and the fact that it is totally free to enter our contest, I ask you to please reconsider your stance. We here at AIOO take great pride in our site, this contest, and our general moral and ethical business practices. I would like to reiiterate that your dedication to your visitors is commendable and I don't fault you one bit for creating this post. Even if I am unable to change your mind, I have great respect for you and your website. Having the freedom to disagree is one of the many things that makes this country so great!!! Thank you very much for your time, Mike

While I appreciate the prompt and courteous response, I still can't recommend that writers enter this contest. You may win a cash prize, it's true. But whether or not you win, you are giving up all your rights to work you have created.

If you're hazy on the issue of rights and copyright, you should read Understanding Rights and Copyright by Moira Allen. An excerpt from that article:

All Rights. This term, loathed by writers, is often used by publishers who want to avoid the need to buy additional rights later. By acquiring all rights, for example, a publisher acquires electronic rights as well.

Once you've sold "all rights" to a piece, you can never sell that piece again. All you retain is the right to claim authorship. You may even be precluded from selling revisions or rewrites of the same material.

That doesn't mean that you should never sell "all rights." In some cases, the benefits of a such sale may outweigh the lost potential for resale, especially if there is a limited market for that particular work. If you do sell "all rights," however, be sure that you are being adequately compensated. (For more information on this topic, see Selling All Rights: Right or Wrong?

Wouldn't your time and energy be better spent working on your other writing projects? Or at least entering writing contests which let you keep the rights to your work so you can use it elsewhere? This contest also requires that the content be unique, which means you'd be writing content specifically for this site and this site only.

In the end, of course, the choice is yours. As Mike points out, the company is very upfront about its submission guidelines.

Helpful resources for writers about writing contests:

Writer Beware Guide To Writing Contests and Awards

Finding Legitimate Writing Markets and Contests - Canadian Authors Association

Writing Contests: When Winners Are Losers - by Moira Allen


Finding the balance between the feel of a real book & the digital world

From Christopher Herz at The Huffington Post:

As the publishing industry struggles to find that balance between the digital world and the feel of actually handling a book, perhaps a look towards the emotional connection is the bridge.

Right now, while we all follow twitter feeds and become fans on Facebook, what might be getting lost is the fact that reading a book is an extremely intimate and personal experience. To give travel notes of the journey is a benefit to both writer and reader, and might just promise a relationship that can only grow with each trip taken together.


Please help me with my book proposal!

The bulk of my Squarespace move is finished, though I still have quite a few tweaks to go. Still, it's SO GOOD to finally get back to my own writing! Also a relief to Google my name & Inkygirl pages and NOT get pharmaceutical hacked info. But back to my own writing...

More and more people have been inquiring about where they can buy a print collection of my comics, so I've (finally) written a nonfiction book proposal featuring compilation of my best Inkygirl and Will Write For Chocolate comics. I plan to send it out soon, but obviously I want to include samples of my work.

Do you recall a favourite comic of mine you think I should include in the proposal? If so, please describe it below.

For those who missed my earlier post, by the way, I've started a separate blog feed for just my Inkygirl comics and am gradually uploading the archives, one comic at a time. The goal of this separate blog is to make it easier for people to find comics on a particular topic for posting in their blogs, using in their presentations, etc. I'm tagging and categorizing as I go.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Writing Contests: Always Read The Fine Print!

I was recently encouraged to promote this "Affordable Insurance Options Essay Contest" to my readers. The website name was already setting off alarm bells in my head, but I decided to check out the rules out of curiosity.

At first glance, it may attract some writers: there's no entry fee, and the site offers cash prizes of $50, $100 and $200. However, if you read ALL the submission guidelines, it becomes clear that even if your entry about the importance of insurance coverage doesn't win, the site can use it without paying you:

All entries become the property of Affordable Insurance Options Online and we reserve the right to publish and/or distribute them as we see fit.

And you're also putting yourself on their mailing list:

Submitting an entry will also allow every applicant access to the AIOO Insurance and Investing online newsletter, which contains valuable information and tips on how to save money on insurance premiums, ensure adequate coverage, make sound investments and help your portfolio grow, and much more.

So I am going to post about their a warning to writers everywhere to ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT. Yes, there's a small chance that you may win one of the cash prizes. But if you don't, you've just handed over your writing to someone else for free. Even if your essay IS chosen as a winner, the company has to be able to reach you within 5 days, or you lose the prize (but they can still use your writing):

Accurate contact information is required for all prize winners to be notified.  If we are unable to contact any applicant within 5 days of the review process being completed, their entry will be voided and a different entry will be chosen.

It may seem obvious that serious writers should stay away from this contest, but I've already seen it recommended on at least one writing-related site.


Wordcount Challenge Check-In: 250, 500, 1000 wds/day


Haven't heard of the Inkygirl Wordcount Challenge? The goal of this challenge is to help provide goal-oriented inspiration, with flexibility to avoid giving up in frustration. Please click on any of the buttons above for more info.

Every Monday, I'll post a Wordcount Challenge Check-in to see how you're all doing with your challenges. You don't have to post, of course, but I find that encouraging and receiving encouragement from others is inspiring to me as a writer.

So how did you all do this past week?


You're never too old to start writing

From Robert McCrum in

...The ruthless cut-off of 40 does not address the complex trajectory of creative growth: for every novelist or poet who explodes skywards with a first or second book, there are many who only achieve mastery as they reach the shady side of the slope. The onset of middle age, or the approach of oblivion, is perhaps as sharp a spur to literary effort as the intoxicating self-belief of youth.


Writers: avoid these clichés like the plague!

(Update: link fixed -- sorry about that!)

If you want to keep your writing from sounding too predictable, read this post by Delia Cabe from about over-used pet words, phrases and devices.


How do YOU avoid getting distracted by the Internet?

Some writers are able to switch off their computers and stay off e-mail and the Web all day. Freelance writers who rely at least partly on client work for income, however, sometimes don't have this luxury. The Internet can be a wonderful resource for writers but it can also be a major timesuck.

To those who DO have to go online at least a few times a day: How do you manage your time online? Do you limit the amount of time you spend on social networking sites? What tricks and tips can you offer others? What -doesn't- work for you?



Cartoon Caption Challenge


Wordcount Challenge Check-In: 250, 500, 1000 wds/day


Haven't heard of the Inkygirl Wordcount Challenge? The goal of this challenge is to help provide goal-oriented inspiration, with flexibility to avoid giving up in frustration. Please click on any of the buttons above for more info.

Every Monday, I'll post a Wordcount Challenge Check-in to see how you're all doing with your challenges. You don't have to post, of course, but I find that encouraging and receiving encouragement from others is inspiring to me as a writer.

So how did you all do this past week?


Cartoon Caption Contest Winner: John Hewitt

Thanks to those who entered my cartoon caption contest. The winner: John Hewitt of Poewar fame. I've been a fan of John's Poewar: Writing Career Center  since its early days.


Switching my blogs from Wordpress to Squarespace

Because some of you have been asking, I've started to post about my experience with switching from Wordpress to Squarespace.


Still fiddling with Squarespace security settings...

Apologies if some of you encountered odd security warnings when trying to access Inkygirl lately. I'm still learning more about Squarespace settings. :-)