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Debbie Ridpath Ohi reads, writes and illustrates for young people. Every once in a while she shares new art, writing and reading resources; subscribe below. Browse the archives here.

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Will Write For Chocolate


Archived WWFC strips


If you'd like to see older WWFC strips, please check the Will Write For Chocolate archives or start from the beginning. You can also follow WWFC on Facebook, Pinterest and Google+. Thanks so much for your continuing support! -- Debbie

Entries in eliza (125)


Never Lend A Book To A Friend Unless You're Prepared For The Consequences


I really do love Doll Bones by Holly Black, illustrated by Eliza Wheeler (note: I named my WWFC character Eliza years before I became friends with Eliza Wheeler :-)).

You can browse earlier Will Write For Chocolate strips in the archives.

You can also follow WWFC on FacebookPinterest and Google+


Mimi's Book Purge


You can browse earlier Will Write For Chocolate strips in the archives.

You can also follow WWFC on FacebookPinterest and Google+


Mimi's Dilemma



You can browse earlier Will Write For Chocolate strips in the archives.

You can also follow WWFC on FacebookPinterest and Google+


Waiting For The Critique



The First Critique

2012 06wwfc lettinggo v2 600

You can browse earlier Will Write For Chocolate strips in the archives.

You can also follow WWFC on FacebookPinterest and Google+


New Year's Day Font Joy

Thanks to Andy Ihnatko for the reminder about the Comicraft New Year's Day sale!

If you enjoy WWFC, I'd appreciate it if you'd Like my Will Write For Chocolate Facebook Page and adding my Google+ Will Write For Chocolate Page to your Circles. Thanks, eh? :-)



The Best Gift For Writers


Inspired by a recent Galley Cat post.

If you're on Facebook, please do Like my Will Write For Chocolate FB Page, thanks! :-)


Christmas Love

If you're on Facebook, please do Like my Will Write For Chocolate FB Page, thanks! :-)


Eliza & the Focused Writing Session

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Apologies for the hiatus. A lot has happened in my life since I last posted. One of the most significant: I got a book deal. I'm illustrating Michael Ian Black's new picture book, I'M BORED, which is coming out from Simon & Schuster next year. HOW COOL IS THAT?

I've also been taking my illustrating and cartooning far more seriously, and have been drawing a lot more. I've been posting daily doodles on my revamped page, and settling into an illustration style. I used to draw in a ton of styles -- all fun, but it meant that I wasn't really improving in any of them. So I've decided to focus on the loose sketchy style that publishers and art directors seem to like (and frankly, is easiest for me).

One of the reasons I've taken so long to get back to Will Write For Chocolate is because I've never really been happy with that old, tighter style. I -know- it's a big no-no to change illustration styles in the middle of a comic strip but I figure hey, I'd rather change than shut down the comic strip altogether. So welcome to the revamped Will Write For Chocolate! This looser, sloppier style feels much  more natural to me, which means I'm more likely to post more often. :-)



Heat Wave