Seeking inspiring/upbeat advice or observations on writer rejection for my book
As some of you already know, I'm working on a book that is both a compilation of my writer comics as well as nuggets of writerly wisdom I've found in blogs, organized by topic. I don't have a contract yet, but I'm confident enough in its saleability that I've started putting it together anyway.
The chapter I'm working on now: REJECTION.
If you've written a blog post on rejection that you think might contain some quotable advice or observation, please do post the URL in the comments below. I'd also love to hear if you've recently read a post or quote on rejection made by someone else. If it's not your post, please include the name of the author of the quote/post as well as the URL.
Ideal length: one sentence (but I'm open to longer).
If I decide to include your quote in the book, I will contact you for confirmation of the info. I'll be including a brief bio and URL of any writer quoted in the book.
I may also include your link/quote in a Writer Rejection: Don't Give Up! page that I'm revamping for Inkygirl.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.