Daniel Nayeri: Book Commercials vs Book Trailers
Straw House, Wood House, Brick House, Blow - Wish Police Commercial from Candlewick Press on Vimeo.
Instead of making a book trailer for Straw House, Wood House, Brick House, Blow, his collection of four novellas from Candlewick, Daniel Nayeri commissioned four mini-commercials instead.
LOVE these! They're short and intriguing, and get a potential reader's attention. Many of us aren't able to afford hiring the people that Daniel did, but I do think that there are elements in these commercials that the rest of us can apply, such as keeping the video promo short. Also, I like the way the video gets across a sense of the presentation of the book, the tone and the ideas in such a short time, without attempting to summarize the plot.
You can find out more about Daniel's thoughts on book commercials, promotion and his recent projects in Mary Cole's interview at Kitlit.com.
You can also see his four book commercials on Vimeo.