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A Tale To Tell: Collaborative Illustrated Storytelling

Screen shot 2011 02 25 at 7 33 19 AM

(via David Diaz on Facebook)


I've seen a ton of collaborative text storytelling sites but this is the first illustrated version. Intriguing! I'd volunteer but it looks as if they're booked up until at least the summer already.

From their About page:

A Tale to Tell is an illustrated, collaborative storytelling project where each week a new illustrator/artist will be invited to submit the next part of the story, with a text entry and an illustration to accompany it.  Each artist responds to the story as it was left by the previous, taking the story wherever they wish and leaving it open for the next person to continue!  Creating an elaborate, imaginative tale from the minds of some of the most creative people around.

For now, the project exists in online form but further down the line we will also be looking into getting our collective narrative published.

Reader Comments (1)

Neat! Not something I could participate in, but it does look like something worth looking at. It would be fun to watch the story take shape.

March 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIshta Mercurio

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