Linda Sue Park on writing middle grade novels
Adventures in Children's Publishing has a great SCBWI Conference Round-up from Linda Sue Park's workshop on middle grade novels.
The great mission of middle grade novels is to show young people that the world isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean it has to be miserable.
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks so much for linking this post, Debbie! Linda Sue Park provided such excellent information to conference goers. We're thankful for the chance to share her workshop with writers who couldn't attend SCBWI. Without Leah Odze Epstein, who shared her personal notes from this workshop, this post wouldn't have been possible. Thanks Linda, Leah, and Debbie!
Martina & Marissa
Ooh, thanks for this; I heard from Sara Lewis Holmes that this was an awesome session, and it was one of the ones I was so regretful to miss.