E-Book Readers for the iPad

Dear Author blog has an excellent overview of the e-readers currently available for the iPad. If you have an iPad or are considering buying one for reading e-books, I strongly recommend that you read this post.
Clearly, there is room out there for a good e-book reader app for the iPad.
Related resources:
iPad Experience: Can the iPad replace ebook readers?: includes review of Kobo and Kindle apps
eBooks on the iPad: includes review of Wattpad
Reading Ebooks on The iPad with iBooks & Amazon Kindle [Mac]
by Bakari Chavanu on Apr. 16th, 2010
Reader Comments (2)
Did you hear about the YouTube video of the" rel="nofollow">99 year old woman using her IPad?
Oh, now this is a beauty." rel="nofollow">Six jobs created by the IPad.