Weekly Wordcount Check-in: 250, 500, 1000 words/day
Do you need a wordcount challenge with some leeway?
Check out the challenges below:
250 wds/day | 500 wds/day | 1000 wds/day
So how did you all do with your daily wordcount challenges since the last check-in?
Reader Comments (8)
This was a bad, bad week. Bad enough to contemplate both taking down the badge from my blog, and trashing the novel in progress. I only wrote for four days, and two of those I wrote less than 300 words, not the 500 I'm aiming for.
I had a major problem in my story, I had to answer the "why am I writing this, and why is all this stuff happening"-question. It all felt very, very random. the beginning had nothing to do with where the story is now. But then, yesterday in the shower (of course) I had this really great idea of how to tie everything together. I was positively excited and couldn't wait to start writing.
By the time I finally got to sit down and write most of the excitement was gone again (one of these days I'll learn to write first and do the rest later for real) but still, there's hope the story might work after all. We'll see.
Aw. Susanne, I hope it works out for your story. I've had that happen to me before. Wouldn't it be nice if us writers had a pause button that would stop everything around us, put us in a quiet office with our favorite writing implements, and let us write down all the inspirational thoughts that come at inconvenient times?
I wrote a little this week, but again, was snaffoo'd by wedding plans needing to be taken care of. I don't mind, but I am looking forward to when I'll be able to carve out more time for writing.
I have been having a bad week as well. I have only done 4,812 for the week when I am suppose to do 1,000 a day.
I was doing really well until my dad had a stroke. I didn't write for two days but other than that I wrote about 2K+ except for those days. Heck, I'm sitting in a Neuro ICU unit right now writing. I think it's how I'm keeping myself busy. Not exactly crazy about what I'm writing but I'm moving through the story and I can fix it in revision. Here's for taking what live gives you and powering through it! (Dad is doing well - I totally didn't mean for that to sound so melodramatic! He's a best-case-scenario so things are looking really good. Stuff in the hospital just takes forever+a day)
Things are getting better. I made 4 days out of 6 (I don't count days where I get something done but don't hit target). I hit my blogging target of 3 posts per week too, which made me very happy :-).
Look at us, complaining that we had a bad writing week when all of us wrote steadily, even Cid. (I hope your father gets well soon.)
I just talked to my husband saying, "And all I wrote were 1,500 words!" and then I thought how happy that would have made me this time last year when I didn't write at all.
And just today I wrote 800 more words that weren't too bad...
It was a progressive week. Organization and productivity were big issues and I made definitive strides in each. Here's my stats for the week:
Weekly Goal: 3,500 words
Words Written: 3,681
Target Goal: 143,500 words
Status: 13% complete
Along with my daily writing goals I'm also establishing weekly initiatives as well. Overall, I think the changes will be very beneficial in the long run.
Good luck everyone!
I didn't too badly the week before last - did a lot of interesting plot and setting work which I am pleased with - but then we went on holiday for the whole of last week. I had harboured vague hopes of writing while we were away, but vague hopes do not action make especially with small children.
We got back home on Monday this week (just... we rolled up to the front door around midnight) and have been struggling to catch up with work and sleep ever since. I have started on some more setting work today so my target until Sunday is about half the usual weekly total. Next week will be better.
[Cid] I hope your father gets well soon.