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Weekly Wordcount Check-in (1000, 500, 250 wds/day)

Do you need a wordcount challenge with some leeway?
Check out the challenges below:
250 wds/day | 500 wds/day | 1000 wds/day

So how did you all do with your daily wordcount challenges since the last check-in?

Reader Comments (13)

I eeked out the 1K a day - even in the places I needed it! - but the Olympics had me distracted and I finished a big section in my WIP and had a conference over the weekend. @__@ Not disappointed with myself at all! Looking back over my numbers I'm surprised at what I did.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCid

I managed to get out something every day! At least 300 a day, I think. Some of the posts didn't get *published* till the day after I wrote them, though. I love this idea, though. It's keeping me writing! Thanks so much.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMolly

Writing-wise the last week was the worst I've had since starting this challenge. I had a deadline for another creative project (I designed a knitting pattern), and therefore I only wrote on four days. Still, 2,000 words more than before.

I really have to go back to writing in the morning. That's much better.

So, I'm having high hopes for next week.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSusanne

I knew when I started I'd have a rough first week or so, since we had a house full of company. However, since company left Saturday, I've hit my 1000 a day both yesterday and today. (Actually, I've hit 1567 words for today. Yippie! I get a cookie!)

I even took some of what I wrote and uploaded it to my new blog! I'm happy. The Blue Inkwell now officially has a little content. (Not much, just my About page & 1 post, but something's better than the nothing that's been there for the last two weeks.) And I have more content closer to being finished - some even saved as drafts for me to go back over tomorrow before I hit that all-powerful, uber-committed PUBLISH button.

Hopefully, I can keep the momentum going for the rest of the week & beyond. I have to say, being accountable (even if only in a casual kind of way) has really helped. Thanks again, Debbie, for creating this challenge!

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSandi

Even though I didn't do enough actual work, I don't feel too badly about the week just gone.

My predictions for last week were accurate - work sucked up too much time to write at lunchtime, and the Olympics sucked up the evenings. I spent about half the time I had planned to, mind mapping another few chapters to collect details on twelve of the twenty five in book three.

On a more positive note, I had some good feedback. My wife finished reading the zeroth draft of book three and generally liked it (the issues she pointed out were largely ones that I was making note of during my mapping process anyway), and I also had some good commentary back from my gaming buddies to whom I had sent out the first two chapters of book one. This was all very encouraging so I find myself optimistic.

This next week I will be getting back on the wagon. After all, there's no Olympic coverage any more so there's nothing to watch on the telly.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDunx

I did it! For the first time this year I wrote a thousand words a day (and more) for a week. Yay!

Now to continue the trend....

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterReesha

My first full week with the challenge went okay. I hit more than 1000 words on all but two days. A few days were close to or more than 2000 words. One day I only wrote 750 although I had written some things that I neglected to count on that day. Thursday I took off as I had a load of things to get done and it is my husband's one day off of the week. I am finding however, that the badge is pushing me to really strive for those 1000 words a day more than ever before. I am taking it seriously and it really bothered me that I didn't hit the mark those other days.
My word total is at: 10709 right now for the last nine days.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTracy Mangold

Finally back on track after the boyfriend visited. Did 250+ words a day for 5 days, coming up to 1429.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCassi

I didn't do as well as last week, but given how everything else in my week went, I'm not surprised. This week is better already.

March 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKat

I do the average (take what I have written and divide by the number of days) so I have 1103 as of last night and 66182 over all. My main WIP is over halfway done and I am on track to get it done by self-imposed goal of the end of March.

Some days I barely get 200 words but then the next, I get over 4000.

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaulaO

I just started my writing goal of 1000 words a day today. Hope I can do it!

March 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

A bit late on this but I ended up just over 10,000 words for the week. There were some days I was under and some I was over but I did it so I'm officially entering and posting the badge on my blog. :)

Liz H. Allen

March 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLiz H Allen

Now entering my most prolific season. Always write most in Spring & late fall, when guests are rare at the cottage and the midwinter rush and post holiday blahs are behind me. Planning a big push on WIP starting this weekend. Best to all in your word counts.

March 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDonna Carrick

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