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Curio for the iPad?

I was recently approached by a publisher who likes my illustrations, asking if I had any stories to go with them. I've started using Zengobi's Curio to brainstorm. LOVE this program. I'm also using it to brainstorm about my other writing projects, both fiction and nonfiction, as well as my cartoons.

Curio's creator is unsure about whether to create an iPad-friendly version and is asking for feedback on the Curio forums:

I'd love to hear from some students given that we have a TON of college students using Curio. Are you going to be purchasing an iPad? To supplement your Macbook or for replacing it?

Likewise, we have a ton of professional users (designers, filmmakers, and other creative types, and plus engineers, scientists, etc) using Curio. What are your thoughts on the iPad?

If you're a Curio user who love to see a version for the iPad, please do post your opinion on the Zengobi Curio forum!

Here are some useful posts about how writers use Curio:

Zengobi Curio : Project Central on my Mac
Using Curio to plan a book
Curio and Screenwriting
Writer's Gem: Curio - by Angela Booth

Reader Comments (5)

Do they ahve something like this for Windows 7?

February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

I was raised on PCs and can't afford to buy/learn Mac for a while, yet. It's killing me that I can't use Zengobi Curio, especially with my Bamboo pad. So, if it would become available for iPad, which I will be purchasing, that would be more than fantastic.

I've just discovered your site and, as a novice writer and aspiring cartoonist, really appreciate what you are doing.

Very best!
Christine Golden

February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChristine Golden

there is moodboard for the time being

June 14, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjack

I can't wait for an ipad/iphone version of curio. Would also like it to sync automatically when an item is changed and would love some collaboration controls, so two or more people could change the same notebook. Thanks, I have my fingers crossed. When Microsofts OneNotes comes to mac I will switch if Curio hasn't created more device compatibility. Thanks.

January 17, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJim

using Curio and loving it. An Ipad version would be awesome: indeed, I equally work on need both Mac and Ipad in my everyday life: for instance, when my Mac stays at my office and I need to keep working brainstorming professional but also personal subjects when I am not in the office on iPad...

August 9, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterANNE MARIE HELWASER

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